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If you are a parent, know someone who is a parent, has a parent, and you would agree that parenting can be very difficult-this is for you! Parenting has its challenges at every stage and age. Mark … more
With Christmas in the air- there’s a spirit, a sense of hope all around. It’s a lot like a child waiting at the window for Santa to arrive. Or the child that is waiting for Dad to come home or … more
God takes what we have and uses it for His glory, for His purpose, even when we think we have nothing to offer. The boy with the 2 loaves and 5 fish, must have thought, what good is this small lunch … more
You are found guilty! You will pay all you owe to the last penny! The gavel comes down hard- the verdict is in- you and I are guilty as charged! “For the wages of sin is death….” Romans 3:23. … more
No good deed goes unpunished- what a phrase- yet, you have heard it said and have experienced it in your life- It’s one of those things that you were sure you were doing everything right- and maybe … more
To err is human to forgive divine…Most of us have experienced the relief of receiving forgiveness from someone we hurt. And as believers we have experienced the forgiveness of Jesus Christ for our … more
The 33rd Olympics has just begun in Paris France. I like watching the running events in track and field and gymnastics. This year there are a number of great athletes going to Paris—18 of them are … more
Have you ever wanted to ask God a question? Like why? Why is there pain and suffering? Why is the grass green? What is your plan? When are you coming back? Joseph was a dreamer. Joseph was … more
Father’s Day not only a day to honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, Fathers-in-law, uncles, grandfathers, spiritual fathers, etc. are all honored on Father’s … more
When we’re using a map we need to understand that there are two different types of north. They are: True North and Magnetic north. True north (geodetic north) refers to the direction along the … more
It’s the third day since Jesus died by crucifixion, on a cross, like a murdering thief. Buried in a borrowed tomb. It’s the third day. But we are not in Jerusalem gathered in the Garden of … more
According to an article in the New York Times, scientific evidence has led people to believe that couples will eventually start to look like one another. Sounds crazy, right? Well, it might not … more
2024 is almost a month old! Did you take some time to reflect on 2023? Or did you just try to bury it and all its memories? Do you have ‘regrets’ things you wish you would have done or people you … more
The Three Wise Men, also known as the Magi or the Three Kings, were visitors who traveled to Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn King of the Jews, Jesus Christ. The Bible does not specify the … more
Christmas, for me, is filled with great memories, great traditions, and genuine spiritual significance. But sometimes Christmas – the REAL Christmas – gets lost in everything that surrounds the … more
What are you thankful for? Family, friends, job, home, heat, gas, food, clothes, freedom, …… Being thankful is a guaranteed way to cure envy and jealousy. When we are grateful for what we have … more
Do you remember the game of telephone? You get everyone in a circle and whisper a message to the first person and they whisper it to the next and then to the next… and you wait with anticipation to … more
Murder… that seems to be what good mysteries and drama are made of. Why are we so fascinated by this terrible sin of violence? I have to admit that my favorite books genre for pleasure reading are … more
What breaks your heart? This is more than a bad day, or a break-up with your last date. What are those things that you are passionate about? Is it your family, your job, your hobbies, people in your … more
Freedom: Miriam Webster says, “1: the quality or state of being free: such as a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action, b: liberation from slavery or restraint or … more
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