A Monthly Moment at MotoProz

“Get with the times”


You know how some people are “old school”. They don’t like change, but whether you like it or not, change happens all the time. My husband Mike and I can be like that. We opted to get a new phone system with fiberoptic lines at MotoProz from Nuvera the town phone company. If we waited, we would have HAD to make the change eventually, but we decided to go for it now, while we were not in our busy season.

We opted to have the switch done on a Monday (a day we were closed). It was pretty seamless. In 3 and a half hours, we were good to go. Since we were closed, we couldn’t test the phone out too much. Tuesday morning was interesting. I couldn’t figure out how to put a call on hold. YIKES! With a little trial and error, we figured it out and pushed through. Then the fax didn’t work, but we emailed the document we were trying to fax and called Nuvera. They were able to turn it on without coming to the store. Easy peasy! Now when I put a call on hold, I have to physically swap phones with the person who the phone is for so they can answer it. We haven’t learned how to transfer a call yet. Another little snafu, we could have 5 lines ringing at the same time, even though we only have two lines. So I keep checking if there are messages so I can call someone back right away. The phones are so much clearer though and the clips work better. I would rather schedule myself while “getting with the times”.