Clerk Chatter


Civic duty, volunteerism, serving others. These traits are essential for survival of a small community. A handful of people can make a big difference. Those that run for election, to bring ideas to direct the City into the future, the election judges that keep elections free, fair, and orderly are people who choose to make the community a better place to live. In this community, organizations such as the Lion’s Club, the American Legion, and the volunteer Fire Department are actively fund-raising and donating to projects to improve the quality of life within our community. Donations of time are even more essential. Mazeppa Daze, the ice rink, park clean-up would not happen or would have a higher cost if not for volunteers.

Life has always been busy. Each generation’s volunteerism has meant giving up time to perform these needed functions within the community. These organization are always in need of the new people to keep these organizations vibrant and alive. The next voice on the City Council, the next Mazeppa Daze event idea, the next project to sponsor, may come from you. Get involved and watch what you can accomplish to make Mazeppa a better place to live.