THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL, Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1956
Consolidation News
As announced last week, the plat involving 13 school districts in the Mazeppa area was amended and approved. Changes involved adding district 49 of Wabasha county and district 89 of Olmsted county. The addition of these two districts would give the Mazeppa plat a valuation of $1,100,000.
Legion Post Observes 37th National Birthday
Observance of 37th birthday of the American Legion was held at the Legion clubrooms, decorated in a St. Patrick theme, on Thursday evening March 15th.
A pot-luck supper was served with Mrs. Leona Reinholz, Mrs. Peter Perrotti and Mrs. Lullus Darcy on the food committee.
Auxiliary President Mrs. Leo Liffrig welcomed Legion members and their wives. Legion Historian Jack Siems, briefly summarized the history of the Mazeppa Post.
Community singing, led by Mrs. G.A. Gahler, followed by games concluded the program.
Members of the entertainment committee were Mrs. Donald Webster, Mrs. Stuart Stull and Mrs. G.A. Gahler.
Auxiliary News
Motions were mad to send $5.00 to “Forgotten Children” fund and $3.00 to the Heart fund. Acknowledgements fro State Dept. for Valentines and Legion hospital check were received. A small sum was donated to the Crusade for Freedom. A check for $7.07 for the school for March of Dimes will be sent to Wabasha.
The Auxiliary will ser lunch at the baseball poultry sale. On the committee are Mmes. G. Schafer, F. Musty, L. Liffrig and L. Reding.
The Mazeppa fire department was called out last Thursday afternoon to the home of Ted Sommerfield. The fire, apparently starting in the attic from an overheated stove pipe, was quickly put out with minimum damage.
Local News
L. L. Darcy received a broken leg last Friday in an accident on the job when a piece of equipment fell on him. He was hospitalized several days at Faribault and is now convalescing at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kann, new owners, took possession Saturday of the Duck Inn formerly operated by Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smith.
The new owners previously lived on a farm near Bellechester.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith have operated the tavern since December of 1948. Their plans at the present are indefinite.
Light Plant Orders New $77,297 Unit
Fairbanks Morse and Company was awarded the contract for the new engine by the Light and Power Commission at a meeting held Tures.
The bid on the new unit was for $77,297 with a guaranteed delivery of 210 days. Fairbanks Morse submitted the only bid.
The Light and Power Commission in accepting the bid will have a new unit of 800 H.P. capable of developing .560 K.W. Space for the engine is available in the present building.