Missy’s Managing the Manor

Freezer reset!


One of my least favorite tasks is cleaning the freezer. Why is it so hard? I should just toss a couple things when we are looking for something to eat, but No, I never do that. That would be too easy.

We have an old fridge/freezer at MotoProz. Almost every day we bring our lunch to work. We only have a 30 minute lunch. We are pressed for time and mostly eat leftovers. Many leftovers end up going to the freezer and never get eaten. A couple weeks ago, the freezer got left open and frosted over. I tossed almost everything! It wasn’t thawed, but come on, we didn’t even know what was in there. We are pretty good about eating leftovers, but not so good about taking leftovers out of the freezer to eat. This was the perfect opportunity to clean house (or freezer rather).

I like to clean the freezer in the winter, rather than summer so the food doesn’t thaw out when it gets tossed. Time to commit to spending 15 minutes on the other freezers at home. Take inventory of what we got, sort, organize and plan some meals.

Stay tuned for next month’s topic: Two days of organizing!

There’s so much to do, so little time. Bye for now!