Tomorrows Leaders


This article does not constitute an endorsement of any candidate for the school board election by the Mazeppa/Zumbro Falls Messenger. We welcome each and every candidate to contact us for a story if they are interested in doing so to inform the public on their views.

Time has sped up its clocks again, and the summer season is nearly over as soon as it started. For communities across Minnesota, this means warmer weather is making its leave, and school is knocking. While many students oppose returning to the textbooks for a new semester, education is imperative to any child's development. Having a well-versed and responsible school board plays a crucial role in that. They determine how a kid views schooling and what future career path they want to take. Thus, to equip tomorrow's leaders with the tools they need to flourish, one must ensure a safe and innovative learning environment, provide pathways and partnerships that strengthen crucial concepts, and have genuine and experienced staff to guide them.
Matthew Brenden doesn't just firmly believe in these principles; he's looking to make them a reality by running for the Zumbrota Mazeppa school board this November. In the following interview, discover how he plans to openly and honestly bridge the gap between the board and the community.

Before we move into other questions, please share a bit about yourself and the events that led to your decision to run for the school board.

Matthew Brenden: Thank you for the opportunity. My career has been in education and business development, specifically in public affairs, data intelligence, grant writing, and issue management. I currently work for the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Having co-founded a startup company that continues to prosper, I understand the business of education.
Although relatively new to the area, having moved to Zumbrota in 2017 and Mazeppa in 2020, I have planted strong roots and feel at home here. Since moving, I have taken an active role in our communities, serving on the Zumbrota Planning and Zoning Commission, helping coach youth baseball, and assisting the trap team this fall.
The education of Zumbrota is vital to me, as we have three students with varying needs and interests ranging from special education to robotics and athletics.

I understand you plan to run for the Zumbrota-Mazeppa School Board. What role do you hope to fulfill?

I hope to secure your vote on November 5th for the ZM School Board. My background, skills, and leadership style will bring a beneficial perspective to the school.
Retaining and educating this community's youth through connections and mentorship is invaluable. The learning environment is rapidly changing, but I am running to ensure we stay ahead through fiscal responsibility, forward-thinking, and utilizing data to inform decision-making.
What I bring to the board:
•Strong communication and issue management skills
•Deep financial and business leadership
•Demonstrated success in the digital landscape
•No-nonsense, data-driven decision-making
•A career's worth of experience working in higher education
•Skills in connecting students to the right pathways and employment

What are your reasons behind this decision, and why should the community vote for you?

The need for a strong communicator between the board and the community became apparent when the district did some resizing. I thought it necessary to clarify the reason behind the board's decisions. If you don't always have the answers, say, "I don't know, but I'll find out for you." That's the style of leadership I will provide if elected- transparent, honest, and no-nonsense conversations with the board and the community.
They would also benefit from someone with a different background. My experience sets me up to help the district succeed with its plan of four focus areas- students, staff, community, and finance. Each category plays into my strengths, and I can use prior experience to set our students and communities up for success. Using data to make crucial decisions is something I do every day, and keeping that balance is paramount to an effective board.
However, building connections is just as crucial in today's world. Our community must expand its pipelines, partnerships, and collaborations for our students. Let’s connect those interested in health careers with our health providers, the ones in tech and trades with strong local businesses, and the students in STEM programs at area colleges and universities. This way, we give our youth a reason to stay or return to the Zumbrota-Mazeppa area.

Is there anything else you'd like to add or share with the people?

The board is only as effective as you make them. It's essential to hold everybody accountable, discuss what is and isn't working, and be an active voice. While no single board member can come in and save everything, they can make a real difference. This job is a challenging and often underappreciated role, so I commend anyone willing to run and serve in it. These people are our neighbors, and building and maintaining relationships with them as a relative newcomer has never been more necessary.
Here's my promise: my decisions will be driven by what is best for our students and communities. I'm bringing nonpartisan, no-nonsense, transparent leadership to address the issues that matter to you.

With the projected dip in state enrollment through 2030, there is an increasing need to maintain our district's high performance. More people opt for remote jobs for the independence and quality of life that working from home provides. But with the data-driven and honest communication that Matthew Brenden promises, the Zumbrota-Mazeppa school board will prosper. The school is only 30 minutes from the #1 hospital in the world, where a vast workforce keeps the southern Minnesotan community afloat. Connecting students to companies like these is just the beginning. The only way to do this is for someone to step up. Someone has to embrace tomorrow's leaders. And that someone is Matthew Brenden.