Zumbro Falls City Council Meeting - June 12, 2024


Zumbro Falls City Council Minutes - June 12, 2024

The Zumbro Falls City Council met on Wednesday, June 12th, at City Hall. Council member Paul Bankers was absent. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 6PM.

Clerk read the minutes from the May meeting which were accepted as read with a motion from Anderson, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried. Treasures report followed with acceptance by a motion from Anderson, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried.

Virginia Magyar updated council on her findings for equipment at the Tot Lot. She will be also looking to replace the seats on the swings.

Bruce is waiting for another bid for the repairs needed at the City Ponds before deciding who the City will hire to do the work.

Discussion was made concerning the TIF payment for the clerk to make and the resolution to Modify the Tax Increment Financing plan presented to the City from Mike Bubany. Council agreed with a motion from Benson, seconded Anderson, all in favor, to go ahead and pay Daren Hofschulte his TIF payment as instructed by Mike Bubany. As far as the resolution to pass council wanted to invite Mike Bubany to the next council meeting for further understanding of this resolution before passing the resolution.

At 7PM the motion was made to adjourn the meeting and the clerk to pay bills presented from council member Anderson, seconded Benson, all in favor, carried.

Submitted by,

Susan Eischens, Clerk