Mazeppa City Council Meeting - June 12, 2024


Regular Meeting of the Mazeppa City Council

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The regular meeting of the Mazeppa City Council was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Chris Hagfors.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Present: Mayor Chris Hagfors. Council Persons Steve Liffrig, Michael Hammes, Erica Young, and Dustin Wiebusch.

Others Present: City Attorney Luke Lamprecht, City Engineer Matt Mohs, Public Works Director Scott Ellingson, Municipal Liquor Store Manager Todd Ihrke, Wabasha County Sherriff’s Department Patrol Sargent John Schneider, EDA Chair Jason Hughley, Jordan Robinson, Tara Gullickson, Darrell Zeller, Julie Zeller, Sarah Forzetting Dodson, Myra

Schuck, Jeff Mathees, and Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang.

Present via electronic meeting: Holly Galbus from the News Record, Robert Josselyn, Mindi Arendt, and John Clemens.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Hammes to approve the agenda and addendum. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to approve the May 8, 2024, regular Council meeting minutes. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Public Works Director Scott Ellingson gave the Public Works report.

Wabasha County Sherriff’s Patrol Sargent John Schneider presented the monthly Incident Command Report. He also said that they are targeting some areas that have had traffic complaints. Staffing was still down, but the Sherriff’s department is on track to have adequate staff for Mazeppa Daze.

Administrator Clerk Karl Nahrgang gave the Fire Department report.

Municipal Liquor Store Manager Todd Ihrke gave the liquor store report.

City Engineer Matt Mohs presented the engineering report.

City Administrator Karl Nahrgang gave a City Hall activities report.

Jordan Robinson asked if the City could find the survey pins to verify his property line.

Jeff Mathees with Zumbrota-Mazeppa youth baseball asked about making field improvements to Jaycees Park Field and Herb Vik Field, arrangements for keys to the lights for Herb Vik field, and if we can get a portable toilet for Jaycees Field for their tournament on the weekend of July 20, 2024.

Motion by Young, second by Liffrig to approve building permit 24-920-061, 1465 Cherry St. E – New Home. 24-920-056, 1327 Cherry St. E – New Home. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Second Reading of Ordinance 2024-01 Rezoning Parcels of Land in Block 5 and Block 38 from R-1 to C-2.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to approve Ordinance 2024-01 Rezoning Parcels of Land in Block 5 and Block 38 from R-1 to C-2. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Second Reading of Ordinance 2024-02 Amending Section 2 of Article XV of the Revised Land Management Ordinance of the City of Mazeppa to add Stormwater Runoff Requirements.

Motion by Young, second by Wiebusch to approve Ordinance 2024-02 Amending Section 2 of Article XV of the Revised Land Management Ordinance of the City of Mazeppa to add Stormwater Runoff Requirements. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Update on progress to get business phones for City Staff.

Update on filing of Riverbluff Minor Subdivision 2.

The Chestnut State Development Agreement will need to be re-drafted to include minor language changes.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Young to approve Resolution 2024-17 Approving Utility Easement and Access Agreement with Ken and Irene Berg and the Berg Trust. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2024-18 Approving Off-Site Gambling Permit for Mazeppa Fire Relief. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2024-19 Requesting Closure of portions of County Roads 1 and 54 to Accommodate the Mazeppa Daze Parade. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2024-20 Extending City Park Hours for Mazeppa Daze Events. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2024-21 Issuing a Temporary, Off-Site Liquor License to Rumor’s LLC. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to approve Resolution 2024-22 Thanking the Mazeppa Business Alliance for donating First Ave. and City Hall Flowers. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Liffrig, second by Young to approve Resolution 2024-23 Closing Portions of Certain City Streets to Accommodate Mazeppa Daze Events. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Hammes, second by Young to appoint Dan Nelson as City Emergency Management Director. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to pay the bills and claims. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

City Attorney Luke Lamprecht thanked the City Engineer for all the work done in securing and documenting the easement with the Berg’s for the Wastewater Treatment plant.

Council thanked volunteers who assisted in the park clean-up, the Z-M School construction class for building ADA compliant picnic tables and to Uni-Strut for providing the hardware for the ADA picnic tables for shelters in Walking Bridge and Herb Vik Parks, to watch for trees damaged by Emerald Ash Borer, erosion in the heavy rains, and watch out for kids now that school is out.

Motion by Liffrig, second by Hammes set a Special Meeting of the City Council to approve plans and specs for the wastewater treatment project and set bid dates. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Motion by Wiebusch, second by Liffrig to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, none opposed. Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.

