Historical Happenings


THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL, Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas


Dist. 66 Rejects Plat with Goodhue

A straw vote held in District 66 last Thursday evening for the purpose of determining whether a new plat should be drawn for that district to join Goodhue was turned down by a 22-5 margin.

School District 66 is at the present on Mazeppa’s new plat which is at the state department of education for consideration.

The state department also has two other plats under consideration. One is for the rural high school, exact location to be determined later, for school districts 18, 88, 86, 19, 20, 23, 45, 24, 80, 2, 46, 53, 48, and 105.

The plat from District 73 involves joining of that district with the Lake City high school district.

Lloyd Oelkers Elected Baseball Club Manager

Lloyd Oelkers was elected manager of the Mazeppa baseball club at a directors meeting held Tuesday evening.

Mr. Oelkers has had previous managerial experience and has been active in local baseball for many years.

Officers elected at the meeting were R.J. Tommeraas, president; J. Richardson, vice president; P. Wobschall, secretary and C.W. Robinson, treasurer. Robert Nelson was elected league director.

Class“A” ball will again be played by the team and prospects for a successful season are very bright.

A raffle to raise funds for the baseball club will be held Sunday, March 11 at the Legion clubrooms. An afternoon and evening of entertainment is being planned.


Dr. Oliver Larson will in his new office at 118 East 4th St. on Monday Feb. 27.

It is east across the street from the State Theatre. Zumbrota, Minnesota.


“Gram Jones Celebrates 97th Birthday

The above picture of Mrs. Jones was taken at her 95th birthday celebration. Back row, left to right are her granddaughter, Mrs. W.J. Hines of Stewartville, and her daughter Mrs. Asa French of Zumbrota. Front row, left to right are great granddaughter Mrs. Melvin Viker of Rochester, great-great granddaughter Cindy Viker and Mrs. Jones.

She has three great-great grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.

Sunday she was guest at a party at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Cliff Froyd, at Lake City.

Consolidation News

News on Mazeppa’s consolidation plat which now has been with the state department of education for the past three weeks, is non-existent. Since that time two districts have taken straw votes for plats with Goodhue, namely 66 and 100. Both districts turned this down by a wide margin.

It is hoped that word on the Mazeppa plat will be forthcoming shortly so that this area’s education problem may be solved.