Greg Mort Campaigns for ZM school board


Better education- what every school system strives to achieve through empowering their students- is a common goal. What parent or school wouldn't want to provide their future leaders with a well-rounded education? We may often take for granted the difficulty of achieving this goal, but the school board of Zumbrota-Mazeppa does not. A well-versed and responsible set of board members is crucial to a school's success and the education of its students. Fortunately, community members like Greg Mort know this all too well and strive to ensure the best for their community. It's why he seeks to run for the school board this coming November: to raise the minimum bar and secure a better upbringing for the students of Zumbrota & Mazeppa.

Having grown up in the area, Greg eventually graduated from ZM and moved to Florida to pursue college. After he and his wife lived there for almost 15 years, a decision arose to determine the best school environment for their eldest daughter. Knowing that lasting relationships and the ability to make a difference was possible here, Greg and his family returned to his hometown of Zumbrota with no question. From there, he sought ways to strengthen his childhood community by becoming a volunteer firefighter, coaching the 4th-grade softball team, and volunteering on ZM's District Area Committee. His efforts as a member of the School District Task Force shaped the direction of the school's 2024-2029 strategic plan.

"These experiences have given me a solid understanding of the challenges and opportunities of our district, and I would be honored to continue this work as a part of the school board."

To discover more about Greg's contributions to the community and what he'll strive toward as a future board member, refer to the following interview below.

What position do you hope to achieve as a future school board member?

Greg Mort: As a father of three young children attending Zumbrota-Mazeppa, I feel that now is the right time to get involved and guide the district. With my career in technology, I could benefit the school by preparing our students for the future and rapid evolution of tech. Whether they pursue trades or a college path, our district's goal should be to ensure that every student succeeds in whatever direction they go.

Being in tech also gives me an appreciation for life outside of it. While students should understand artificial intelligence (AI) and where it will lead, they must also develop real AI- actual intelligence. Getting hands-on experience, understanding the value of real-world skills, and building strong communication are the only ways to do this and have our kids grow into well-rounded, capable members of society.

What are your reasons for running, and why should community members vote you onto the Zumbrota-Mazeppa school board this November?

During one of my meetings as a District Area Committee member, former superintendent Mike Harvey made a statement that stuck with me. While we were reviewing 3rd-grade proficiency levels, he stopped the discussion and said, "There's no reason that 3rd graders shouldn't be above the line." The importance of proficiently reading is invaluable, as a child will likely face challenges in other academic areas if they struggle with reading. With the recent Read Act encouraging all students to be at or above average levels, now is the opportune time to enhance our students' reading abilities. Everyone should work to ensure that our learners can read at grade level so that performance will improve in all other subjects. This impact will not only ripple into other academic areas, but also benefit the entire class alongside the individual student. By raising the minimum bar, we elevate everyone.

Are there any final comments or remarks you'd like to share with the community?

I strongly believe in a set of board members who are in it for the right reasons. Individuals with a personal stake in the district should be involved and willing to make our schools thrive. While I undoubtedly have much to learn, I am ready to invest the time and effort to advocate for our parents, students, and staff interests. If we continue building on the foundation laid by previous generations, a fiscally sound district, top talent, and the best education for our students is possible.

The influence of technology and artificial intelligence in education is a treacherous subject for many people. While access to these resources can benefit the school in many ways, like an organized schedule and workflow, it can just as easily cause idleness and encourage shortcuts. However, employing the technology-driven roots that Greg Mort has, the school district of Zumbrota-Mazeppa can utilize tech for good- teaching students actual intelligence that shapes them into successful members of society. We can only prepare them for this through real-world skills, effective communication, and hands-on experience that mold them into tomorrow's leaders. With the help of Greg Mort in the Zumbrota-Mazeppa school board, students don't have to worry about their preparedness for the future. The bar of education can rise.