Historical Happenings


THE MAZEPPA JOURNAL, Editor and Publisher: Barbara and Reider Tommeraas




Mrs. John Larson of Colorado Springs, Colo., passed away at 4 a.m. Monday, following an illness of several years from cancer. She was 73 years of age.

Ella Busse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busse, Sr., was born Oct. 9, 1882, in Mazeppa Township. She attended country school and Mazeppa high school. She was married to John Larson at her home March 19, 1901. Her husband preceded her in death.

They resided here for two years, before moving to Colorado Springs, where she resided for the past 52 years.

Surviving are one son, Merle, and two brothers, Fred and Leon Busse.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday from the Leon Busse residence at 1:30 p.m. at the Mazeppa Methodist church. Pallbearers will be Hubert Busse, Norman Busse, Carl Busse, Manley Busse, Roger Larson and Joe Ferber.

Interment will be in the Mazeppa cemetery. Robinson’s Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Larson is very well known here, as she always had a keen interest in Mazeppa and made almost annual visits here.


Rudolph H. Dahling, 61-year old Goodhue farmer was killed instantly in a car-truck collision four miles east of Goodhue Friday evening. His truck collided with a car driven by Wayne Damman, 16, rural Goodhue at an intersection of Goodhue County Highway 9 and a township road about 5:45 p.m. The latter was hospitalized in St. Joseph’s hospital at Red Wing.

Mr. Dahling was born May 26, 1894 in Hay Creek Township, and was married to Emma Siems of Mazeppa, October 14, 1927. He resided on a farm about two miles from Goodhue.

Surviving are his wife: two daughters, Joanne and Mrs. Laverne Windhorst and one son, Melfred: two sisters, Mrs. Henry Tomfohrde and Mrs. Leonard Tackmann of Lake City, and one brother Edward of Belvidere.

Funeral services were held Monday at St. John’s Evangelical church at Goodhue.


One window was broken and various articles strewn around at the schoolhouse, last Friday evening. No loss was reported.

Annual Village Election And Filing Notice

Citizens of the Village of Mazeppa, in the County of Wabasha and State of Minnesota, who are qualified to vote at general elections, are hereby notified that the annual election for said Village of Mazeppa, will be held at Community Rooms, municipal building on Main street in said village on Tuesday, the 6th day of December, A.D., 1955, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the forenoon and 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day for the following purposes, viz:

To elect one Village Mayor for the term of two (2) years; one councilman for the term of three (3) years; one Village Treasurer for the term of two (2) years; one Justice of the Peace for the term of two (2) years; one constable for the term of two (2) years.

Candidates for offices shall file with the Village Clerk, an application to be place on the ballot, together with a fee of One Dollar ($1.), at least two weeks before said election, (the last day for filing November 23) or five voters may file the application on behalf of the candidate of their choice, in which case, service of a copy of the application must be upon such candidate and proof of service endorsed on the application before filing with a fee of One Dollar ($1.00).

Given under my hand this 17th day of November, A.D., 1955

W.F. Tri Clerk


At a regular meeting of the Mazeppa Commercial Club, held Monday evening at the Community Rooms, plans were drafter for the annual Christmas party, which will be held December 22 at High School gymnasium.


The senior class will have a pancake Supper, December 1, at the Catholic Church hall. The price will be $.60 for adults and $.35 for children in and below the sixth grade. They will begin to serve at 5:00 p.m. and continue until 8:30 p.m. or until everyone is served.

The purpose is to raise money for their Senior Trip. You can eat all the pancakes you want so come one, come all!

West Concord Man Pinned Under Truck

Above is a picture of the dump truck under which Verne Allen of West Concord, a member of the ditch-digging crew here, was pinned for 20 minutes Tuesday morning. He was driving south from the Tilden Larson farm just east of town when he hit ice, turned completely around and went over the embankment on the culvert between Larson’s and Percy Wobschall place. Tilden Larson and others were unable to free him, and Hart’s wrecker had to be called to do the job. Dr. Oliver E.H. Larson of Zumbrota was called, and Mr. Allen was taken to Zumbrota by ambulance. He suffered internal injuries.

Proud Announcement: The Journal is happy to announce it has purchased a Polaroid camera. It has long been our feeling that one good picture is worth two or three stories, so we made the plunge. Before the time the picture has been developed and the engraving made it was two weeks old.

We hope our Polaroid will make a livelier and more interesting paper for all.